

"Forest after the rain", Oil on canvas, 140x160cm, 2024

Forest after the rain

Here's an invitation to discover the forest after the rain. For those who are not afraid of water, a stroll through the forest is a unique and refreshing sensory experience! Everything vibrates, colors shimmer, rustles enchant, scents exalt, something indefinable is woven - life!... and so many other little things.

Video with the Romance in G Major, Op. 26 by Johan Svendsen - Diptyque, Simultaneity series, 2 oils on  canvas, 97x130 cm, 2023-24

The Lofoten Islands, Norway

Invitation to travel ! Destination: The Norway's Lofoten Islands on the Romance in G Major, Op. 26 by Johan Svendsen. The colorful emotions of the music echo the memories of this exceptional summer. 

The Johan Svendsen's Romance in G Major, Op. 26 is performed by Pekka Kuusisto and the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra

"When painting, music and landscape merge" : These musical landscapes will be presented at the Session "Intermédialités Sensibles", alongside philosopher Jean-Philippe Pierron, organized by the Université de Bourgogne, on April 5, 2025, at the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme in Dijon or on Webinar. (Registration)


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams - Eleanor Roosevelt

Escale Tunisienne II

Simultaneity series

This new "escale tunisienne" to wish you a Happy New Year 2024 ! Let's take a precious look at our landscapes, at other cultures, at the crossroads of the arts, and try to build a better world.

Huile sur toile 97x130 cm

Café de Paris, chez Offenbach

The Offenbach family arrives in Paris and settles into a tiny apartment at the back of a courtyard at  23, rue des Martyrs, near the Grands Boulevards, where the young Offenbach makes his first compositions and performances. 
View of the street from inside the café,  It's time to take a break.

Café de Paris, chez Offenbach, rue des Martyrs...
Huile sur toile, 92x73cm, 2023, Simultaneity series

Paris, Place de l'Alma after 
The Rite of Spring by Stravinsky

"Paris, Place de l'Alma, After the Rite of Spring, Stravinsky", Simultaneity series - Art Print 60x140cm, 2023 (See our Shop)

Video to discover the painting in music

Exhibition "Night in Paris"

Musical landscapes of Paris, rythmes of its architecture.
An invitation to experience Paris in a very special way!
SOLO Exhibition : June - September 2023
New ! e-book
Conversation with ChatGPT
All you want to know about the interactions between  
 Music - Painting - Landscape
in 55 Questions & Answers !

The first art book about a conversation with an AI to test it/his knowledge..  and this is just a beginning !

Sept. 2023

When art & gastronomy celebrate taste & color

On show at the "24" - An exhibition that makes sense as the colors of music blend with the cuisine of this restaurant with refined and subtle dishes. A journey from Burgundy to Place de la Concorde, a touch of colorful harmonies, the waltz of dishes, the fragrances of a conversation with Picasso... A beautiful encounter with the host of this place, passionate about painting.

Outing Idea ! As the Musée de l'Orangerie is nearby, Gabrielle Thierry invites you to visit it to try and understand how Monet's Water Lilies can provoke profound musical emotions. She spent 300 hours in total immersion in the oval halls of the museum, transcribing Monet's 8 Water Lilies onto large canvases in colorful scores that have so far only been exhibited in the USA.

#Sketchyourwindow, new exhibition

UNDER LOCKDOWN / PAROLES DE CONFINÉ.E.S, University of Burgundy, Dijon, France

Conference and  Exhibition , October 13th 2023. An event devoted to works and drawings produced during the pandemic. This exhibition is inspired by the one organized by the Musée des beaux-arts La Cohue in Vannes in 2020 et 2021

Oil on canvas, 200x80cm, ©GabrielleThierry.com - Collection Fondation Hasdrubal 2023 

Music : ”Noubat al Khadhraa, lena Chamamyan & Zied Gharsa

"Escale Tunisienne"

Simultaneity series

Tunisian Escale is a complet project with the Carthage Symphony Orchestra and the Hasdrubal Foundation in Tunisia to experiment the color of sounds and the musical landscape of Tunisia. Permanent exhibition.

Artist-in-residence Feb&May 2023

April 2023 

Landscape & Color of sounds

"However, suddenly, it was the amazement. Gabrielle Thierry had removed the charcoal to replace it by an oil on canvas: it was at the same time the same landscape and another world. It is that the colors form an incomparable semiotic system. They reveal the links connecting our subjectivity to the things of this world. They give more or less clarity which enriches our palette and that of the world; they organize complementarities which wake up mysterious links between the things; finally they open correspondences between spaces and our way of experimenting them" M.-M.Münch about the series "Landscapes of Conflans", to be read in "L'Atelier de Gabrielle Thierry", Revue Internationale d'Art et d'Artologie n°6, 2022

VIDEO Opening of the exhibition 

Affiche Parc Floral de Paris

The Orangery of the Parc du Prieuré, in Conflans-Ste-Honorine, near Paris, presents more than 30 works of the artist. Trees, landscapes and music will be honored in this place dedicated to nature. On the program : harmonies, colored scores, paintings from figuration to abstraction, large formats, screens and art prints, etc.

"5 days in New-York"
 with the Rhapsody in Blue by G.Gershwin

5 days in New-York, Oil on canvas, 160x140cm , 2022, Simultaneity series

Video to discover the painting in music


Musical fresco of New-York City

« I heard it as a sort of musical kaleidoscope of America, of our vast melting pot, of our unduplicated national pep, of our metropolitan madness.»

Georges Gershwin about "Rhapsody in Blue"

Simultaneity series

"After spending 5 days in NYC, in November 2022, I painted this rhythmic and colorful fresco." It matches here with the "Rhapsody in Blue" by G.Gershwin inspired by the musical kaleidoscope of America

For the festive season, dream of great mountain landscapes

Video, article and paintings for a tribute to the mountain and its musical inspirations.

A tribute to Olivier Messiaen entitled "Peintre la montagne aujourd'hui" is to be read in Orgues Nouvelles n°59, winter 2022. The paintings and watercolors are works produced in La Grave - La Meije for 10 years. 


La Meije
Colorful and Musical Altitudes

This video presents the links that unite the mountain and music through the paintings of Gabrielle Thierry on the prelude for piano by O.Messiaen

New ! Art prints of the "Panorama sur le Massif de la Meije" , and the  triptych "Montée vers le glacier de la Girose, Massif de la Meije" are available in the store. 

"Montée vers le glacier de la Girose, Massif de La Meije", triptych, Oil on Canvas, 2022

Panorama sur La Meije

Watercolor, 65x160cm

View from Les Terrasses, Le Chazelet



View of the Seine at Conflans

From the sketch as idea to the canvas, an exploration of landscape.

Oct.2022 to Jan.2023

A commission by the Musée de la Batellerie for the exhibition "Conflans au fil de peintres, dessinateurs & graveurs".
- This series will be exhibited in the Orangery of the Parc du Prieuré, where workshops about andscape art will be organized for 30 school classrooms of the city.
- The series is detailed in an article published in the Museum's "Le Petit Journal des Expositions".

- The Studio of Gabrielle Thierry, by MM Münch, Revue Internationale d'Art et d'Artologie n°6 

- One of the oil paintings joined the city's Contemporary Art Fund in 2023.

Conversation with Picasso

Conversation with Picasso on Music, Oil on canvas, 165x130cm, 2021   

"While reading "Picasso and Music", the catalogue of the exhibition organized in Paris, I discovered that Picasso does not find obvious links between music and its representation in painting. I am a great admirer of his work, regardless of the period, and I decided to discuss with him the pictorial potential of music in painting."      ... More

Salon d'Automne, Art Fai -  Champs Elysées, Paris

Exhibition at the Salon d'Automne, Paris, 2021

The Female (Orchestra) Conductor

La Cheffe d'Orchestre (détail)

La Cheffe d'Orchestre (Detail)- Oil on canvas, 160x140cm , 2021  


« Remember to share music that will now color in modern painting. Colour, which is pure vibration, just like music, reaches what is the most general and therefore the vaguest in nature: its internal force»

Letter from Paul Gauguin M Fontainas, Mercure de France, Marsh 1899

A tribute to all women in music

This large format painting represents a conductor and her orchestra playing Beethoven's 7th. Symphony. The music invades the whole concert hall and becomes a colored space in movement.

This "Maestra" painting was inspired during the making of the film "Divertimento" directed by Marie Castille Mention-Schaar. This movie describes the journey of  a young high school student who has become a renowned conductor. 3 paintings by Gabrielle were selected for the set design, including the screen entitled OPERA.

From one inspiration to another, Prof. Marc-Mathieu Münch discovers the Conductor in the artist's studio and decided to write an article in his Revue internationale d'art et d'artologie.

The Garden

The Garden from my studio's window, Oil on canvas, 165x130cm, 2022

Inspired by Cezanne, Bonnard, Van Gogh,...

"Cezanne, Bonnard, VanGogh, Picasso, Gauguin  captured on their canvas trees, flowers and gardens. Alone in their differing countrysides with these floral harmonies where colors com alive, they have seen and caught the spirit of nature. After visiting the Morozov exhibition at the Fondation Louis Vuitton, back in my studio, I look out of my window and rediscover the shrubbery, the luminous greens, the trees and shadows, the irises, tulips, cherry and apple trees, in the vibration of the foliage. 

View from my windows

From Figuration to Abstraction

Sketches and paintings were created during the covid pandemic. Gabrielle launched an international and collaborative project during the first lockdown, entitled #sketchyourwindow. Hundred of people from 24 countries sent the view from their window. An exhibition has been organized at the Musée des Beaux-Arts La Cohue, in Vannes, Brittany, France. 

Paris !

Small paintings capturing the singularity of Paris' roofs.
Oil on Canvas 20x20cm , 2021, Oak framing


This painting entitled Nocturne is part of the Harmony series started in 1919. The roofs of Paris - an eternal inspiration - their rhythm, their music were at the origin of the previous series of paintings Espace : Paris. 
Here, we are at the crossroads of Harmony and Space of the city, of architecture. 
The Bauhaus, whose centenary we celebrated this year, was a fabulous adventure for modernity that brought together different arts in one place to increase tenfold emotion, harmony, comprehension. Here architecture and music (whose languages are apparently distinct) structure this painting by a composition of their forms and colors.

Nocturn Harmony, oil on canvas 130x97cm

Night Harmony, Oil on canvas, 130x97cm, 2019


"Together let us desire, conceive, and create the new structure of the future, which will embrace architecture and sculpture and painting" Walter Gropius, 1919

Paris: Space 7, oil on canvas, Polyptych 180x150cm, 2018

Rhythms over Paris

The series "Paris: Space" was inspired by the roofs of Paris and the rhythm of Dutilleux's sonata. 
In the tradition of the moderns, the paintings of Gabrielle Thierry, who lived in Pars for 15 years, remind us once again that abstraction in painting was born from the interaction of art and music. 

Place de la Concorde, Paris

An invitation to spend a night in Paris, listening to "April in Paris" by Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong 

Fine Art Prints available : Shop.

The musical aesthetic of water

Last Reflection of Ophelia, oil on canvas 50x100cm

Last Reflection of Ophelia, Oil on Canvas, 50x100cm, Coll. Iris & Gerald B. Cantor Art Gallery.

In the continuity of the Water Lilies colored musical scores, this painting, a  commission by the College of Holy Cross (Worcester, MA), had  as its overall inspiration the reflections and water with piano and cello harmonies

Gabrielle Thierry worked intensely on the musical aesthetic of the water.


Reflection on the Grand Canal, Venice, Oil on canvas, 40x80cm

Grand Canal, Venice, Nocturne 1, oil on Canvas 50x100cm

Reflection on the Grand Canal, Venice, Oil on canvas, 40x80cm

Grand Canal, Venice, Nocturne 2, oil on Canvas 50x100cm


Gabrielle Thierry  is the only artist in the world to have spent 300 hours in total immersion in the oval rooms of the Musée de l'Orangerie to understand their evocation. During 18 months, and 100 sessions of work, she translated all the 8 Monet's landscapes into colored musical scores.

"Gabrielle sees sound as color so when she hears music she actually sees it. So what you have here are notes from the music that are in color.” Iris and Gerald Cantor Art Gallery (US)

"On the canvas, the music offers me the composition of the landscape as well as the colors and the space of the landscape can evoke it. Intertwined, music and landscape are ultimately inseparable." 

Les Matinales

One of the first experiences on how to reveal the music of landscapes. The idea of a Music chapter on this site became obvious.

Les Matinales, Oil on canvas, 2010
(81x100, 40x40, 40x40, 73x92 cm)

Les Matinales 2
Les Matinales 3
Les Matinales 3

Colored Variation on Schubert

Schubert's Fantasia, Variation, Oil on canvas, 165x130cm, 2009,
Gabrielle paints her feeling listening the Fantasia 4 Hands D940  by Schubert.

Musical Improvisation, Oil on canvas, 130x89cm

Walking into the wood near Pila, Italy, Oil on canvas, 130x89cm

Copyright ©ADAGP/GabrielleThierry. All rights reserved

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